Figuring Everything Out

 Figuring Everything Out

This started as a test post. Simply because I didn't have any idea what I was doing with this blog, and I need to sort it out before this project begins.

There are a lot of moving parts..., website, social media, blogs, emails, and press releases.  And it seems to be almost impossible to make everything look the same since they all have different platforms.

And I'm nervous!  About everything!  Will the website pages launch on time?  Will the FaceBook post go out on time?  Will I be able to write the blog each day, and get it onto FaceBook and the website in time?

And the weather!  I know for this to be as organic as possible, I need to take whatever the weather gives me, but as Armand (Husband) knows, rain makes me anxious , worried and sad.  Not a good mix and so far we have three individual days of rain forecasted!

And food.  Where is it coming from?  How much can I afford to buy?  What will I get from the food bank?  Where will I keep it.  How will I cook it.

And what if no one notices the tent on the lawn.  Or the project falls flat and doesn't generate any actions and no one signs the petition?  

I guess we just wait and see what happens, we've planned for as much as we can think of.

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